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Rain Drops | Runoff | Surfing On Sewage In The Drop Spot

Surf at your own peril. Heavy rain spatters against contaminated city streets, which are designed to avoid flooding by directing all stormwater toward the ocean.  The filthy detritus carries with it a host of insidious bacteria, trash, petroleum pollutants, metals, toxins, and viruses as it flushes curbs, sidewalks, gutters, creeks, and rivers down through drainage […]

Reform Life | Ryan Minarik

“Stop making goals.  Instead put your dreams on the horizon and chase them every day.  You’ll find a new meaning of success.” Ryan Minarik used to have a corporate job full of meetings, schedules, and deadlines.  As a sophomore at Arizona State University, he founded an audio brand called, BOOM by Polk.  Being the lead […]

Full-Circle Eco-Friendly Surfboard | Eddy Garcia

8 million metric tons of plastics …enter our ocean every year on top of the 150 million metric tons (1 metric ton = 2205 pounds) of plastics that currently circulate our sea.  That’s equivalent to dumping one city garbage truck full of plastic in our ocean every minute of every day for an entire year.   […]

Swing For the Moon | The Tides

Tides are the longest of all waves, with a wavelength that can equal half of the Earth’s circumference.  As surfers, we wake up every morning thinking about the tides and how they may affect the quality of the overall surf.  (Will the tide be drained, shallow, causing surfable waves at our reef or beach break […]

Surflife | Deadboard Co. | Ben Gagnon

“The surfboard market is saturated with the same unsustainable oil-derived product. People are taking notice of this and there are lots of new eco-friendly materials that guys are shaping nowadays. There is a slow but steady movement away from foam core boards.”  Ben Gagnon started surfing the summer after he finished high school.  Upon receiving […]

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