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The Oceanriders Podcast | Imi Barneaud

Imogen Barneaud always dreamed of living like a hippie. As a child in the seventies, Imi’s parents introduced her to a nomadic lifestyle. By the age of 11, she had already moved back and forth from the UK to France—twice.  At 17, the movie, “Point Break” flooded Imi’s brain with visions of waves. She went surfing […]

Surflife | Ceibon | Juan Bolivar

San Salvador City, El Salvador 1980’s Shot in the back—Juan’s father was killed while trying to cross the street as a gun battle raged between the U.S.-backed, government soldiers and the left-wing, (Soviet supported) guerrilla forces—during El Salvador’s bloody Civil War in which over 75,000 civilians lost their lives. Massacres and guerrilla attacks spread throughout the […]